THE ARTS SOCIETY SUB GROUPS   VOLUNTEERING GROUPS (or Sub Groups) Any member is welcome to join our Volunteer groups, which currently are:   TRAILS OF DISCOVERY  These trails can create Q&A discovery routes for a range of visitors to a church, inviting them to observe, explore and record what they find. In the past we completed a trail for St Margaret’s Church, Luddington, and more recently we have completed the trail for St Leonard’s Church, Apethorpe - see the poster below. Our trails leader has retired, so we have a vacancy for anyone interested – contact Nigel Harper  See poster below   ARTS IN THE COMMUNITY  This section of the Society’s activity, with a representative on the committee, has a remit to explore how we can support local arts in the broadest sense. We particularly look for initiatives which promote the involvement of young people – this area was formerly called ‘Young Arts’ – and groups which represent disadvantaged sections of the community. We currently have a vacancy on the committee for this role and any member interested is encouraged to contact us.
Web site and mobile phone pages designed, created and maintained by Janet Groome, Handshake Computer Training
The Arts Society Oundle